Sunday, October 12, 2008

I haz important stuff to do...

I might get vetted. It's not the first time. The last time I had to get shots and my ears cleaned. This time I just have to be the Vice President of the country if I win, which has to be not so painful. I'm not sure what a Vice President has to do, but I hear that isn't a problem.

You haz to vote for me here. I haz my own poll, because I'm the Little Ding.

My Mommy made me dress in a bow tie. I look vurry snappy, don't I?

I hear politics can get nasty, but I live with Monkey and I know how to handle nasty stuff, so I don't think anything bad will happen...I hope if I don't win, I can maybe get to be the pilot of the plane because I'm really good at flying now.

I haz a beautiful picture to show you of when I came home and Caroline and Derek saw me. I think Derek was really happy, and I think Caroline was just lergic.
I'm not supposed to say that Caroline might haz bad problems with her GALL BLADDER cause Mommy says that's just trying to get SYMPATHY VOTES. But I don't like her being sick. In case you are feeling sad for Caroline, you can show your sadness HERE...she would like to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.

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