Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dirty VP Campaigns...

Who would haz thought there would be some ugly pictures popping up on the internet? I don't know who would be doing this, but it's not even a good Photoshop. My Mommy can do better than that!

I am a vegetarian now so I would never eat a fish. Really, would I lie?

We think it might be a DemoCat. I hear they are in the lead and they would not want us to beat them. Please, still vote for is more important now than it ever was!

People, we need your!!! When Photoshopped pictures start showing up on the internet, you know it is serious!


t said...

I am laughing so hard!!!! AHHHHH is that BUD or BUBBS on that sword! EEEEK!!!

Linda S said...

Whoever is putting these vile pictures out on the internet and suggesting that my cat would harm a fish and dress up in a tacky outfit had better stop! I have "relatives" in New Jersey, if you know what I mean!

Little Ding said...

Next time maybe they can photoshop me on a pussycat dolls body...that'd be cool! That's not weird or anything is it?

Unknown said...

LMFAO!!!! You've got your aunties vote lil ding!