Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dirty VP Campaigns...

Who would haz thought there would be some ugly pictures popping up on the internet? I don't know who would be doing this, but it's not even a good Photoshop. My Mommy can do better than that!

I am a vegetarian now so I would never eat a fish. Really, would I lie?

We think it might be a DemoCat. I hear they are in the lead and they would not want us to beat them. Please, still vote for is more important now than it ever was!

People, we need your!!! When Photoshopped pictures start showing up on the internet, you know it is serious!

I haz important stuff to do...

I might get vetted. It's not the first time. The last time I had to get shots and my ears cleaned. This time I just have to be the Vice President of the country if I win, which has to be not so painful. I'm not sure what a Vice President has to do, but I hear that isn't a problem.

You haz to vote for me here. I haz my own poll, because I'm the Little Ding.

My Mommy made me dress in a bow tie. I look vurry snappy, don't I?

I hear politics can get nasty, but I live with Monkey and I know how to handle nasty stuff, so I don't think anything bad will happen...I hope if I don't win, I can maybe get to be the pilot of the plane because I'm really good at flying now.

I haz a beautiful picture to show you of when I came home and Caroline and Derek saw me. I think Derek was really happy, and I think Caroline was just lergic.
I'm not supposed to say that Caroline might haz bad problems with her GALL BLADDER cause Mommy says that's just trying to get SYMPATHY VOTES. But I don't like her being sick. In case you are feeling sad for Caroline, you can show your sadness HERE...she would like to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I haz to go home now

I haz to hurry home. I heard that Caroline is coming home for the weekend and I know she misses me. I also heard she is sad because it is the first time she will be home since Princess went away to the Rainbow Bridge. I thought I might find the Bridge on vacation, but I didn't. But I think it must be a lot like the beach. Without the lobsters.

I don't know why Caroline loves me so much. She is lergic to me and can't come near me. Derek and I have a joke where he sticks his nose in my fur and *sniffs* real loud just to make her mad. Then we all laugh. And Caroline says some words Mommy doesn't like. But she's 19. She can do what she wants...that's what she always says. Boy I miss her and I luff her vurry much!

I'm glad I got a window seat. I need the litterbox ... now...

I think I like to fly...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'm still on vacation...

I'm on vacation right now and can't start my blog until I get home. I'm at a beach far, far away. It's really nice and I think I like the beach. Sand doesn't bother me. After all, I'm Little Ding and I'm not really bothered by many things.

I'm just here to enjoy the last few days of my vacation with a nice cool that a lobster? Because I don't think I like lobsters. Why is he smiling? Does he want to play ball?

I better hide...I'll hide so well nobody will be able to find me and that stupid lobster will leave.

...see even you can't find me...hehee, I'm that good. Is he touching my drink? I might be hidden for a few days!

Luckily lobsters can't stay outside of the ocean for too long. I'm glad I don't have to live in the ocean. One more drink and I'm going home!!

See you at home!!